Flight 60 minutes


The duration of this flight is
60 minutes.


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Get to know the city, flora and fauna of Ushuaia from above.

City of Ushuaia, Andes Mountains, Lake Fagnano, Estancia Harberton, Beagle Channel and Les Eclereurs Lighthouse.

The one-hour flight starts at Ushuaia’s old airport, where the Aeroclub is located, just a 10-minute walk from downtown Ushuaia.

Upon arrival at the Aeroclub, you will be welcomed by one of our pilots who will provide you with all the information regarding the flight to be performed, as well as safety information.

When everything is ready, you will board one of our eight aircraft, which will have been previously selected by the pilot to best meet your needs. All our aircraft are in perfect maintenance condition, complying with the most demanding maintenance standards.

“Attention is 100% personalized. Before, during and after the flight our pilots ensure the well-being of our passengers.”

After takeoff we climb to an average altitude of 3,500 feet, equivalent to approximately 1,150 meters, while flying over Ushuaia Bay towards the imposing and iconic Mount Olivia and Mount Cinco Hermanos. During the ascent, you will have unparalleled views of the city of Ushuaia.

Passing by the impressive Mount Olivia, we enter the Tierra Mayor Valley where you can see, among other things, the majestic Laguna Esmeralda, the Ojo del Albino Glacier, Mount Alvear and its two glaciers, and Cerro Krund, where the Cerro Castor Winter Center is located. From the plane you can see perfectly the slopes and the chairlifts of the Cerro. If it’s winter you can even see the skiers!

We cross the Andes Mountains to the north through the Garibaldi Pass, where we will see the Escondido Lake, the Petrel Inn and Bombilla Lagoon; to then meet the immensity of the Fagnano Lake (Kami).

Once in the area of Lake Fagnano, we will fly towards the east, observing to the left the Yehuin and Chepelmut lakes and to the right the Santa Laura and San Ricardo lagoons. A few kilometers ahead is located Tolhuin, a small town located in the heart of the Isla Grande of Tierra del Fuego.

We leave the Fagnano Lake area behind to fly south to the iconic Estancia Harberton as we descend to get a closer look at it. Immediately after, you will fly over Martillo Island, known for being home to migratory penguins during the summer season, and then you will see the Gable Fronton, located on the island of the same name.

From this point on, we will fly west towards the city of Ushuaia, always over the Beagle Channel. But there is still a lot to see: The Canal divides Argentina from Chile, so at this point we will fly just over the international boundary. Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego, on the right, belongs to Argentina, while Isla Navarino, on the left, belongs to Chile.

On our way to the city we will be able to see Puerto Williams and the Dientes de la Navarino (Chile), Puerto Almanza and its fishing ventures, the tourist ship Monte Sarmiento, which ran aground in Puerto Remolinos in 1935, the Encajonado River, the estancias Punta Segunda and Túnel, as well as the lonely and world famous Les Eclareurs lighthouse, the islands of the Lobos and the birds.

In the final stage of our flight, we leave behind the lighthouse area to return to Ushuaia Bay, where we fly over the city in descent to land at the Old Airport. It is at this precise moment when you have the best views of downtown Ushuaia.

Would you like to book a flight?

It is possible to make a free reservation. You can fill out the following form and we will contact you as soon as possible.

*All our flights are subject to change or cancellation. Weather conditions (cloud cover, precipitation, turbulence, etc.), aircraft operational issues and other factors may cause variations in circuits and even cancellations.